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The MPE_XLMAP_DATA table stores the data from complex excel uploads in a vertical format. It is possible to configure a different target, so long as it has the same attributes, in the MPE_XLMAP_INFO table.


See also:


This table cannot be edited directly! Any target tables configured in MPE_XLMAP_INFO are also removed from the Tables list in the LOAD menu.


  • 🔑 LOAD_REF char(32): The Unique Load reference. Applied automatically.
  • 🔑 XLMAP_ID char(32): The unique, UPPERCASE reference for the excel map. Applied automatically.
  • 🔑 XLMAP_RANGE_ID char(32): A unique reference for the specific range being loaded. Applied automatically.
  • ROW_NO num: For single-cell / single-row sources, this is always 1. Otherwise, it is the row number of the rectangular range being extracted in this XLMAP_RANGE_ID.
  • COL_NO num: For single-cell / single-column sources, this is always 1. Otherwise, it is the column number of the rectangular range being extracted in this XLMAP_RANGE_ID.
  • VALUE_TXT char(4000): The value of the cell, in text format.